By Stephen Walton
Positive Parenting is not rocket science… it's common sense parenting built on strong family values.
Quite simply, it's about raising your children in a warm, loving, caring, supportive, positive environment built on the foundation of trust and respect.
It's about vision and planning ahead in providing your children with tools to build self confidence to handle the inevitable curve balls life will throw their way.
It's taking a Responsible Parental Leadership Role in guiding and inspiring your children to control their own destiny, believe in themselves and learn to dance to their own song.
The most important thing you can teach your children is to:
"Love Life... and... Live it With Passion"
"Is Your Family Worth The Effort?…... Of Course It Is"
We believe positive parenting is a two prong approach:
A major element of this parenting approach is establishing your own core values and principles to build the framework that will guide all your parenting decisions.
Modeling a genuine positive attitude and demonstration of good character traits are fundamental principles.
It cannot be stressed enough how your children watch every move you make, hear every word you speak, from the time of opening their eyes as a baby, through their teens.
Most of your child's personal development, character and personality are derived directly from what they "See & Hear" from you.
"Good, honest, hard-headed character is a function of the home. If the proper seed is sown there and properly nourished for a few years, it will not be easy for the plant to be uprooted"
- George A. Dorsey -
The second element in these positive parenting techniques is exercising positive discipline concepts with an interactive approach that promotes learning through understanding and communication, rather than correction or coercion.
This is done in the following manner:
It's quite obvious this parenting strategy is a warm, genuine and respectful approach to rearing your children.
Your children will have the best opportunity to develop good character traits, positive self esteem, positive mental attitude and develop productive life skills to lead them to a happy and fulfilling life.
Is it an easy approach?…
course not…! Nothing about raising children comes easy. It takes time,
commitment, responsibility, and… I must say... a lot of patience.
However… A wonderful advantage is by being conscious of your plan, you yourself become a much better person in the process.
While implementing your own personal style you will continually create ways of improving your own personal life; sound principles, core values, attitude, health and continually strive to develop positive character traits you wish to model for your children.
The following article will assist you in...
Defining your own "Personal Parenting Strategy"
The implementation of a well defined plan at an
early stage is the key ingredient for improving your chances of raising
wonderful children and creating a positive, loving and harmonious
family relationship.
Continue reading about... "A Positive Parenting Style"
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